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Let's get to know each other 🤝
We are a narrow-profile enterprise "Kilowatt Service" that deals exclusively with solar energy.

Construction of solar stations

We build solar power plants of any complexity for homes and businesses.


We will provide full warranty and service, as well as conclude contracts for post-warranty service

Equipment delivery

We provide services for the delivery of equipment and components

Design and visualization

We develop an individual project for you with a visualization of the future station and provide a commercial proposal with a detailed estimate

Audit and monitoring

Inspection of power generation and power consumption indicators to increase plant productivity and reduce losses in various sections of the electrical circuit.

Power increase

Our team will help you get the necessary power for the future solar power plant.


We conclude   contracts and provide a guarantee for all equipment and installation work

Issuance of the "Green" tariff

If you need to connect a "green" tariff for your solar power plant, our company will do it qualitatively, ​​quickly and inexpensively!

"Everything that revolves around us is a huge energy. But the real greatness is finding a way to get that energy.”
Nikola Tesla




WARNING! You can also enter into a service contract with us

Here is an example of our station audit

Construction processes of a solar power plant

We work according to a simple and transparent scheme

Держание мобильного телефона


You leave an application on the website or call by phone



Coordination and conclusion of the contract with the client


Free departure

Free visit to the object for measurement and consultation

Установка солнечных панелей


We perform installation and connection work

Деловая встреча


Commercial offer,project and visualization in  in several options

Солнечные операции


Further service and warranty service

Установка солнечных панелей

Order a consultation


 Technical department                          +38 (099) 489 11 93

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Commercial department                          +38 (068) 077 03 66

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